PO Box B, Seldovia, AK 99663
Seldovia's Harbormaster's Office is located in downtown Seldovia at the top of the harbor ramp. We have 143 slips ranging from 25’ to 42’ available for moorage year around. If you would rather fly then take a boat that’s alright because we have a seaplane dock located in the harbor. Harbormaster staff will be sure to assist you with any of your local harbor needs.
The Seldovia Harbor offers:
793 feet of space for transient docking
2326 feet of main dock, and
4830 total feet of docking for annual moorage slips including 112 meters of the main dock
Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:00pm
Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:00pm
Layla Jandt-Pedersen harbormaster@cityofseldovia.com
(907) 234-7886
For additional service call the City Office at 907-234-7643.
"Net Cleaning"
The City of Seldovia fully supports industrial uses of the Seldovia Small Boat Harbor including commercial fishery operations.
In terms of cleaning nets in the Seldovia Small Boat Harbor, this is a practice that will be discontinued. This year, the City will not permit the cleaning of nets by any harbor user in the Seldovia Small Boat Harbor. This will align with the requirements of Seldovia Municipal Code, specifically SMC 15.16.030 and 15.15.070. Click here to view Title 15.
Seldovia Boat Harbor Improvements Technical Report (Feb. 2011)
- Technical Report
- Design- Appendix A
- Economics- Appendix B
- Cost Estimates- Appendix C
- Trip Reports- Appendix D
Harbormaster Office
Harbormaster Office